Chinese Trading And Investment Association

In the September Tea Time event, we will be discussing how CTIA and its subsidiary NovStar Inc. can better serve our members.  

The event is scheduled as follows:

Time: Sep. 23rd (Wed), 6-7:30pm US Central Time (Beijing Time Sep. 24th, 7-8:30am)

Topic: How can CTIA better serve you?

Moderator and speaker: Steve Xu (President of CTIA)

Event Schedule: Steve will first have a brief introduction to the services CTIA and Novstar are already providing and plan to provide. Then he will organize a discussion on how to better serve CTIA members.

About the moderator 

Steve Xu is one of the founders of CTIA and serves as the president of CTIA. He is also Co-Chair of Board of NovStar, a subsidiary company of CTIA, which aims to provide broader services to CTIA members including business incubator, professional training and recruiting services.

Event Registration and Zoom Info

Please click here to register for the event. Event’s Zoom session info will be sent to registered participants upon completing the registration.

Future CTT topics (tentative):

1. 2020 investment hotspot: SPAC (Oct. 14, 2020)

2. Current status of AI application in trading and investment 

3. Opportunities in cryptocurrency trading and investment 

4. Trading and investment opportunities from emerging communication technologies  (5G, Near-Earth Satellites) 


协会欢迎从事金融交易和投资领域工作的职业人士的加入。也非常期待和其他同业协会、 公司、交易所以及相关监管部门进行各种形式的合作和交流。

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