Chinese Trading And Investment Association

Time: 10/09/2019 Wednesday  5:00 pm – 7:00 pm 

Location: 191 N Wacker Dr. Suite 3700, Chicago, IL  

Admission Ticket:  $20 (Non-Member),  $13 (CTIA Member) 


5:00-5:05 PM Opening Talk by Dr. Tony Zhang

5:05-5:07 PM Welcome talk  by Attorney Joshua Yang

5:10-6:05 PM Talk by Dr. Keli Han

6:10-6:55 PM Talk by Ms. Sandy Li

Topic 1: 中国量化私募行业的未来与案例分析


主讲:韩可立博士在金融领域有多年的资产投资管理经验, 在多个CTA公司从事过交易策略系统研发、投资组合配置及优化、风险管理及监控、策略研发及交易平台的设计和开发等。曾在CPO公司ECM担任研发主管, 带领团队负责CTA的尽调、基金产品的资产配置及优化、风控模型的研发应用、产品及基金经理收费结构的研发和应用等。 


Topic 2: The Investment Landscape of Cannabis Industry 

Abstract: Global legal marijuana markets are growing like a weed. Worldwide spending on cannabis topped $12 billion in 2018. The total is projected to increase to $31.3 billion by 2022, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.7%. With this type of impressive growth, it's no doubt that many investors, including the financial institutions in the US, are interested in investing into the legal cannabis industry. 

The topics covered by Sandy and her business partner, Craig, include: 1) the legal hemp/CBD market landscape in North America; 2) the vertical chain opportunities;  and 3) the future  outlook for the legal cannabis industry.

主讲: Sandy Li

Sandy is CEO of PureEvie LLC. A purpose driven enterprise, PureEvie provides the highest-grade natural products and services to maximize quality of life for all. We combine modern research, a holistic mindset, and turnkey technologies to educate and deliver to customers best-in-class health and wellness solutions.

Sandy Li has over 20 years of extensive global business and finance experience as a C-level executive with Fortune 500 corporations, private equity, and Wall Street. She has extensive knowledge of markets, having worked in the United States, Canada, Asia and Europe with companies including USG Corporation, Weir Minerals, National Material LP and Loop Capital Markets. She has broad experience in operations, finance, and capital markets. After college, Sandy founded and ran her own tech firm in China for 5 years.

Sandy holds an MBA from University of Chicago, a master’s degree in finance from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, a CPA certification and is a licensed investment banker.


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